Friday, July 24, 2020

Lock Step Legion

(The iron grip of the left and its cancel culture 

that will destroy everything it touches)

written July 15, 2020



How did Black Lives Matter get here? Well, let’s start with when most of us began to notice them. Trayvon Martin. That was a legitimate case. But BLM really gained traction with the Michael Brown case. This case was determined to have not violated his civil rights. He, in fact, attacked the police officer Darren Wilson. There was no “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”. Even after these findings by Eric Holder/DOJ this phrase is still chanted by BLM. What this should tell you is:

  1. We now live in a “post-truth” culture. In other words, the truth doesn’t matter.
  2. The agenda a foot has nothing to do with solutions with police or the inner cities, because they disregard the truth.
  3. So, what is the end game?

It is at this point I will refer you to the mission statement of BLM, which with a mental show of hands, how many of you have taken the time to read? How many of you have followed the money? I was talking about George Soros three years ago when folks were saying it was a conspiracy theory. In this Information Age we have become complacent. The media protects him. Publications like Forbes says in Hungary “Far-Right” government of Viktor Orban forced Soros backed University blah, blah. They’re very good at spin and lies, because they believe what they are doing is right. Like indoctrinating the youth to hate the west (Judeo-Christian values). How long have our universities been turning out graduates who don’t believe in God and hate America? From Soros’ “Open Society” to CAIR, it’s about identity politics to divide and conquer.  They throw labels around to hide behind and most others are designed to automatically shut down conversation. You know why it’s working? There are a bunch of folks in power positions Democrats and Republicans who love money. If you don’t remember anything else I write in this article, remember this: Money is NOT the root to all evil. It’s quoted in movies, etc this way. It is the “LOVE” of it. And George Soros and CAIR have been throwing a lot of it around for a while now.

“For the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”

1 Timothy 6:10 NLT

And the same principle applies when it comes to power. Unfortunately, if you’re not discerning, when it comes to power it’s much harder to recognize, because you don’t see its affects right away. 


Folks are tired of Cancel Culture ...some liberals too. But they’re scared to lose their livelihoods. I get it. But at some point you’re gonna be out of “Lockstep” even if it’s just a little bit and they’re gonna get you. When it’s God over money...over everything, folks don’t have control over what you say and do. Isn’t it ironic that they use to say how the church brainwashes folks and is cult like. They’ve become that on steroids. Filled with anger and hate that will never be quenched with the tearing down of statues and beating, looting, and robbing. Gaining power will show them to be as sinful and evil as the folks they claim are evil. I can attend or leave any church I want to. But with the Lockstep Legion you don’t have that freedom. 

“Cancel Culture” destroys everything it touches, because for starters, it doesn’t respect the long game of history. It thinks it’s ABOVE IT. That is mankind’s biggest mistake from Adam & Eve until now. Wanting to be like God while denying that’s what is going on. The Bible checks that mentality, but you have to let it. We are fallible beings...WE. NEED. REMINDERS. It’s like the older I get the more I need to set reminders to do things. Well, the older this great republic gets we need reminders, so that we don’t repeat history. Cancel Culture disrespects and flies in the face of the wisdom our generation possesses after making so many grave mistakes. They won’t pay attention to us trying to correct our wrongs. 

Defacing monuments and tearing down statues because this or that one is racist, and that one owned slaves, or get rid of the statues of white Jesus, etc. is foolishness. (I’m not a fan of any statue of Jesus, but don’t want it torn down) It ends up being nothing but a monument to the hyper hypocritical, self righteous projectionists. And dooms us to that scene in Nightmare On Elm Street where they keep driving around in circles. Notice what is left standing. Statues of Lenin. Busts of Margaret Sanger. As a matter of fact they will continue to give out awards in her name. An open unapologetic racist right there in plain sight in recent history, but her evil, foul legacy remains in tact. She used black preachers to deliver her messaging on birth control and abortion. Then here come the left’s fake “unbiased” fact checkers to spin the truth into a lie and a bunch of folks drink the kool aid. Just like how they spin the truth of Roe v. Wade into the lie they’ve been pushing for 47 years. 

Most folks won’t research for themselves stuck in their feelings and emotions. They’ll just believe what CNN, MSNBC, or FOX tells them. Those who own the Main Stream Media know this. Look what it’s morphed into today. Cancel Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben. “Master” Bedroom needs to be called Primary Bedroom. Defund the Police. So, no more cop shows all the way down to PAW PATROL! Hey, let’s cancel Domino’s for responding gratefully to a compliment from Kayleigh McEnany EIGHT YEARS AGO when neither Trump was President or she was Press Secretary.

Saddest part of all this is we can’t come together as Americans and shut this insanity down. But they can come together and implement it. They have their hands on all the levers of influence and power with a hive mindset which is crippling with its lack of individuality, and lack of diversity of thought. Where everyone has to agree and be in lockstep like robots. Disagree with Hollywood/Cancel Culture and think for yourself and you get no more work and cease to be a colleague. We have and enjoy the diversity of thought and individuality. TRUE FREEDOM! But where are our voices!? It’s very hard to hear them. We better come together in true American chorus and speak out before we’re commanded to shut our mouths and join the “Lockstep Legion” or else!

So, this is especially to those that consider themselves Bible believing Christians and true libertarians, after reading BLM’s mission statement, if you’re still on board, at least you’ve seen for yourself what they truly stand for. AND what you are truly supporting. You should realize they will be coming for you too. It’s just a matter of time. This is about Marxism/Communism “comrades” pay attention to the messaging. Because the bottom line is...Black Lives Don’t Matter to them... the destruction of America does. Then who will want asylum in a country that has become just like the one they’re running from?

Last, and most importantly, are the spiritual implications of what is happening here. It’s sowing major division in the body of Christ. This is not biblical at all, yet there are Christians supporting it. The bottom line is the rotten roots that are beneath ALL of our trees is sin, which makes the branches rotten also. The only way, truth, and life to make those roots healthy which in turn make the branches healthy is Jesus Christ. You ever notice how us human beings throw ourselves head long into EVERYTHING EXCEPT the Jesus the Scriptures speak clearly of?

"Cancel Culture" loves to "Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel."

Like G. K. Chesterton said, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”



Speak the Truth in Love and share the Gospel


1 Corinthians 1:18-31

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